Friday, April 14, 2006

Lizzie Sweet Smooching Stick - Sweet

Lizzie Sweet was at the Bust Magazine Craftacular in Brooklyn back in December. I met her. I know. Sometimes I can't believe it.

So on her table she had all different flavors of this Smooching Stick:
  • Flan
  • Tingle
  • Superfudge
  • Sweet
I chose Sweet because that's the flavor I most related too. Well, maybe tingle. Naw, sweet.

The Smooching Stick is the cutest named chapstick I've come across. Once applied, I begin smooching anyone who will accept. That homeless dude on 5th Ave. - with the boombox that blares C & C's Music Factory's Sweat- declined. I still was able to smooch maybe 3 people. All of whom I know. But I'd like to think that this stick will not only give me smoochable lips but smooch courage.

Glide: This stick gives great glide. Did you know that is a "cutting-edge church"? Oh, you did. Do you know these people? ----------------------------------------------------->>>>>
They will give you unconditional love and support, in a multi-cultural environment. But they won't give you the kind of glide that this smooching stick does.

Flavor/ Smell: Another citrus-y smelling stick that I want to eat. I always think of pink lemonade while applying. Which makes me think about sitting on someone's porch in the south, barefoot, bike thrown on the dirt driveway, wiping sweat from my head, and drinking a huge icy glass of pink lemonade. Anyone have a porch like this? Can I come hang out?

Lasting: Unfortunately, this sticks lasting power is short. Constant application required.

Appearance: Long and thin. And it has a sexxxy lady on it.

Plusses: All natural and bought directly from the creator. Of the chapstick. Not god, if you're into that glide stuff.

2.75 out of 5 tubes


Blogger -h* said...

found your review in a moment of vanity to see our search ranking on Google. thought it was so cute, I just had to talk about it. Peep the Sweet site.

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:04 AM  

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